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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Moving into March Break

As March Break nears, I'm sure many parents are busy sorting out what to do with their munchkins for the week... after all, not all of us can take a week off like our kids - though I bet some of us wish we could!

As for me, I've been working extra hours with the rash of sicknesses that's been roaming around. I even lost 2 days of work last week myself when I lost my voice to a throat infection. Fortunately I'm never sick for long, must mean I have a strong constitution, and I'm back to work filling in for those who can't be here. Inconsistant days off means I've fallen behind in my web development alot since the New Year, and I'm striving to get time/energy to get the backlog caught up.

For the geeks out there, I've been pondering the concept of setting up Wikis for my gaming sites, so that my players can help fill in the gaps in gear, skills, feats, etc. that I haven't had time to put in... Two RPGs are a lot of work to keep up gaming resources for... particularly when one of them is a world that's no longer actively in print. Unfortunately not everyone can have access to these resources, for copyright reasons, I can only share it with the gaming groups...
My only issues so far as Wikis go is:
a) most of them are designed for Linux, and I just don't have a spare box kicking around that I can devote to a stand-alone server at this time.
b) wikis don't offer a great deal of style options, and those who have seen my website projects can attest that I love tweaking page layouts with custom colours and fonts... though I am seing increased support for various CSS configuations, so it might just be a matter of heavily tweaking the style sheets to my needs.

Oh well, till I get a dedicated box, most of these issues are a moot point I suppose.

Hope you're enjoying some good weather where you are, and for you students out there: Happy March Break!