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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Falling back into my blog

Ever get those times when you want to do someting, but somehow keep putting it off a little bit every day?... Well that's what happened to my blog.

So.. where to start with all this?

Well, it's fall (I'll try and get some beautiful picture up soon), and the kids are back in school. We've taken on taking care of a couple of our neighbours before and after school - so I'm starting to hear Dad a lot more often!

I hope to finally get caught up with my summer photos by Hallowe'en... well, hopefully before then, but I'm being realistic.

I finally kicked my Puzzle Pirates addiction, but I'm still spending most of my time playing computer games - hence the delays in my website. I also haven't started up my gaming groups this fall. Mainly cause - outside of the wife - no-one's asking me if I'm kicking the campaign back into gear or not. Honestly, I probably won't be GMing again unless I get more than one request. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just a lot of work for too few people.

I'll be offering some other gaming options to a select few people - mainly my kids - soon. So, for my kids, I'll have the first issue up soon, just need to finish setting it up. :)