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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well, we just got home from our bus trip up to New Brunswick and boy is the cat happy to see us!

It was nice getting to meet more of my wife's family, and we got to enjoy snow while we were there.... not much mind you, but we did get snow.
By the way, I'm not to be held responsible for the snow that seems to have followed us home!

I have a couple of days off just after the new year, between installing new software, I'll see about getting the Christmas photos up on my website.

Monday, December 18, 2006

1 Week Left!!!!

Well, one week left till the big day.... at least for most of us.

As the commercial industry braces for the big crunch of shoppers cramming the stores with last minute shopping, I'm pretty much sitting back in the comfort that - what shopping I did this year - is all done... the last of it was ordered today and will be shipping out.

It actually doesn't feel much like Christmas to me this year.... our snow has all melted, we don't have any decorations set up here at home yet, and cause of my night job, I haven't gone to stores much this year... having gotten most of my gifts online.
We did help my parents get their live tree on Saturday, and mom's started decorating her home. When my dad gets back from BC this week, it'll be a mad rush to get the rest of the house decorated for the holiday.
I guess the reason we haven't bothered decorating the apartment is that we won't be here much for the holiday... with spending Christmas day at mom's, and then going to New Brunswick to spend time with my wife's side of the family till New Year, there's not much reason to set up decorations here. At least I'm playing my Christmas tune collection as I compose my blogs.

Most of us are sitting here wondering if we're going to have a white Christmas this year. While the temperature is dropping to it's norm (just below freezing) for this time of year, they're announcing a clear week - meaning no snow in the immediate forecast.

Oh well, at least i got the shot in last week when we DID have snow on the ground. It's all gone now... You know, I don't ask much from Winter, I just want a white Christmas.. the rest of the season can do whatever it wants..

Merry Christmas to all my online friends and family, may this season find you in good spirits.

Monday, December 04, 2006

First Snow Fall

For the past couple of weeks now, I've been boasting to my online friends that winter has so far missed the Maritimes.

Well, this picture of our back lot as of 5:30pm would seem to indicate otherwise. Now lets see if the snow will stick around for more than a day.

It's not a pretty picture, I'll see if I can take a more scenic shot tonight or tomorrow morning as I head out for work in a few hours.

Kids are so cute: A a couple of hours after this picture, the plow came by and cleared the back parking lot. He suddenly exclaimed: "Oh no, they broke it! It's all gone!" It had us in stitches, it was so precious!