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Monday, August 13, 2007

Feeling a Little Burnt

I write this the day after, feeling sore, tired (going on 38 hours awake now), and very much sunburnt. But, oddly enough, I can tell you it was worth it!

This is the second year that we've competed in the Clam Harbour Beach Sandcastle/Scupture Competition. Or better known as Sandcastle Day to most. Each year, with a little help from HRM, the Lake Charlotte locals have hosted this event that has grown in popularity to an International level... Not only were there a lot of Haligonians there, but people from other provinces, the US and from abroad. The competition attracts professional sculptors, amateurs and people who just want to enjoy the beach.
Entering the competition is cheap enough, but you have to get there early to claim a good spot. For me, we headed to the beach soon as I got off work. My mother, wife and the kids were already there and setting up a spot by the time my dad and I joined them. This year, my daughter is over 12, so we entered as the whole family, instead of just the kids' division. Just as well, my Dad and I did most of the work. ;)
It took us 5 hours to carve out our impressive fort, and it wasn't easy! We hadn't quite packed the sand hard enough, it was a hot and dry day, we didn't add enough water, so we weren't able to add some of the details we had hoped - for fear of the whole thing crumbling. As it is I had to replace the 'lighthouse tower' as it collasped on me when I tried to add some detailing.

Now that all this confusion is over, I'm looking forward to our trip to Winnipeg tomorrow - where I'll be able to relax a little for a week.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Busy Summer...

Boy, what a week?! I think it was a week, okay I think it's more like two weeks..... I've done so much things and have had so little sleep, I have no idea how much time has passed... but here we are the first week of August already! Wow! Where did the summer go?!
I've divided the pictures up into the various events: Going to the beach, and making sandcastles; touring the Ovens and Lunenberg after visiting my grandmother on the south shore; going to Upper Clements Park... It was a lot of pictures to catch up on!
The kids have been having a blast! And I can't believe summer is almost over! In a couple of weeks we'll be flying back to Winnipeg - all together. Kart and I have some family issues we need to get resolved, and the kids are going back to their mother.