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Monday, July 09, 2012

Loosing touch with old friends can sometimes be a bad thing.

 Since the start of my transition, I'd lost touch with most of my friends in Winnipeg - unsure how to explain the changes in my life. After awhile, life gets busy and trying to reach them slipped my mind completely - seeing as I barely use my old facebook or e-mail accounts.

Well, Laura mentioned the possibility of being able to visit Winnipeg next summer. Something we haven't done in a good 3-4 years. Not wanting to break the news at the last minute, or surprising them, I decided to contact my friends out West now to give them time to absorb the fact that my gender has changed over the past few years and that I am now living as a woman.
I found out, sadly, that one of my best friends back West passed away back in October. The shock is still a bit hard to absorb, the tears are still welling in my eyes. It will hang over me now, because of my inability to tell everyone who I now am, I've lost a friend without being able to say goodbye! I'm so sorry John, you will be missed by us so dearly. This is going to take some time to get over...

So, for my Trans friends out there, try not to exclude those who are dearest to you - for fear you may lose them. There's a good chance you will anyway. This is not a regret you want to live with, coming from personal experience.