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Saturday, December 14, 2013


I'm not sure when exactly this started.. sometime after I left HGS/OLS I think... but I started drifting.
I've drifted away from my craft business. I've drifted away from the craft communities. I'm rarely involved with any of my Pagan circles. I've been drifting away from my trans circles. I've been drifting away from my friends and my family, and - to be honest - I can't figure out why.

I still keep in touch with people. I went camping more than once this summer. My gaming 'family' is very close to me. But lately I've realized that I've become more reactionary to my friends than seeking discussions with some of the people I still hold dear to me.

I think it started with Superstore and my working overnights again. My schedule went way out of synch. Then there were months of un-employment. I didn't have money to do much, so I stayed home and - outside of job searching - buried myself into online gaming. I now have some really close friends in Star Trek Online and growing in Star Wars: The Old Republic - but it seems to be at the cost of my other social circles. And, for that, I apologize.

My new job with Alpine Access seems to have cemented my semi-antisocial behaviour. I don't need to go outside anymore, so I'm finding it hard to want to go outside... And I think that's a bad thing. At least, for me. We still have some catching up to do on the bills, and - I'm hoping - that this will free up some possibilities of getting out to see friends and family again. It can sometimes be hard with most of my shifts being in the late afternoon and evening. I work every bloody Saturday, so I only really have Thursdays and Sundays to do anything outside of sit at the computer answering calls.

Here's to hoping I can rebuild some sort of social calendar in the New Year within these restrictions.

To all my close friends and family. May your Holiday Season be filled with warmth and love.