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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Jack Frost biting your nose off

I'm sure most of us have heard the term 'Jack Frost nipping at your nose' from one of the most popular Christmas Caroles, Silver Bells.

Well if Jack is out tonight, he's bitting our noses off! With wind chills dropping the mercury to -30c, it's starting to feel like the prairies here! I'm just glad to be back indoors and not freezing my tail off at the bus stop like I was on my way home from work. It doesn't look like it's going to warm up before the end of the weekend either, so I'm dreading heading out tomorrow. I feel sorry for those not used to this bone chilling weather, and hope all my friends out there are nice and warm.

We're pretty much all dug out here now in the Halifax region, I don't know about the more rural areas, but pretty much all the streets and sidewalks are done here in town - at least on the Dartmouth side.

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