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Friday, October 21, 2005


Hallowe'en is just around the corner, so I thought I would get ready with an early surprise.. This years pumpkin is already carved!

Tumbling into Fall

Temperatures are finally beginning to fall as the season grows late. This has been a warm season for us, though the leaves are finally starting to turn. The one thing I love about the Maritimes is the array of beautiful colours that fall brings: reds, oranges, gold, brown, purple, all make a rainbow canopy of colour that rolls across the countryside.

Yesterday I got to chaperone my kid's class as we went off to Ross Farm. With 10 kids per two parents it was fairly manageable as we toured the early period farm. The buildings range in age from the mid-1700s to the late 1800s as the town slowly grew - so did the complexity of the things they made. Not only did the kids learn a little about history, but they learned the praticality of it all as we experienced workshops in Blacksmithing, Woodworking and Farming. Frankly I never seen kids so happy about shovelling manuer... (they wouldn't find it so exciting if they had to do it each day!) The village was quiet, being nearly the end of season and a weekday, so we mostly had the town to ourselves. With two classes that was fortunate for us as we could control the groups better.

Over all it was a fun trip, even with me only getting 3 hours of sleep afterward before going to work.. it was a long day, but the kids had a blast, so I would say it was worth it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here in Canada we're celebrating Thanksgiving, a time to celebrate the harvest and to relax after the hard work of the summer, signaling the transition into winter. If the farmer's almanac is correct, that'll nearly be the case, as it predicts a sudden shift into a cold harsh snowy season to come.

Meanwhile we're enjoying record high temperatures for the fall, as we tumble further into October, the trees are just now starting to turn to their seasonal colours. After a warm dry summer, we've gone through 3 days now of rainy dismal weather, and the weather office doesn't predict sunshine till sometime Tuesday... and I was hoping to do some gardening this weekend.. it'll soon be the last harvest of the season, and I don't want my veggies over-ripening before I have a chance to pick them.

Serenity has been out for a week now and I haven't had the chance to see it yet! It's driving me nuts! I'm not expecting it to be entirely like Firefly, I love the show, and from what I see of the previous, I'm going to enjoy some of the changes. If I don't get to see it Tuesday my next night off to see the movie won't be till Monday... sigh! the curse of working nights.