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Monday, June 05, 2006

Bike Week

Are you doing your bike for the environment?

During Environment Week (June 4 to 10, 2006), join your fellow Canadians in proving that sustainable modes of transportation work!

It's times like these that I love the fact that I don't have a car. Outiside of my regular commuter travel on the - not always convenient, but still effective - transit system we have here in HRM. Now that it's nice out, cycling is being largely promoted as the most efficient mode of transportation to get around the city.
It's not for the faint of heart. The hills here make for a good workout - particularly if your heading across the harbour. Now only if it would stop raining so much so that I can actually benefit from it!

The thing I love the most about Bike Week is that the ferry, and busses bearing bike racks, are free for commuters. If you need to get across fast - then take a break and let transit get you part of the way!

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