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Friday, July 14, 2006

Beach fun.

Well, I still haven't gotten my pictures off my camera yet.... good thing the memory card holds about 5 rolls of film... ;o)

These past couple of days we got the chance to enjoy some nice weather - something that seems to be getting rare this summer.
The UV index climbed to 8 on Tuesday! A bit scarry, but with generous use of sunblock and spending most of your time in the water, the heat was tollerable. The ocean's still pretty cold right now, so we decided for a change of pace and explored one of Nova Scotia's many lakes. Out around Head of Chezzetcook there's this little lake off the highway close to the Elephant B&B. For those who know how to find it, it's this quaint little beach with a platform at a comfortable swimming distance. It also has a lifeguard, so it's not overrun with unwanted people.
It wasn't suppose to rain that night, but around 1:30am a thunderstorm rolled in and poured on us all - while we were camping out in tents! We were ok, but the 2 in the smaller dome tent ended up getting a bit wet, so it wasn't a restful night for some... I myself couldn't sleep till the rain ended, cause I was worried that our new tent would leak..

Wednesday we went back to the lake, and on the way home to my parents, stopped at a friend's place along Porter's Lake and took a dip there. The water was so nice, we didn't want to get out, but the kids were complaining about being hungry, so we went back home and had chicken on the BBQ. With my dad being away most of this summer, I've been doing a lot of cooking at my parents' place... I don't mind - with my night job I don't get the chance to cook as much as I used to at home, so it's good doing something to help Mom.

Couldn't bike to work today.. it's rained most of the day, the roads are wet, and it was still a fairly heavy mist when I got out to grab the bus... With no mud guards and no proper rain gear for cycling, I would have gotten soaked trying to get to work! I just hope the morning crew isn't late so I can get home in a timely manner in the morning...

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