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Sunday, December 22, 2019

This is not the gift I wanted to share...

So.. my cold won't go away... no sooner do I think I'm starting to get better, that I'm starting that deep chest cough again...
This one I think came from my youngest son, seeing as he missed Friday school... poor kid, last day before the Holidays where some of the kids are trading gifts, and he misses out on it...

Well, outside of the deep cough, I 'relatively' feel okay, so I should be at work for the next couple of days so that I don't miss out on our Christmas pot-luck and Secret Santa event.

It does mean though, that I don't want to infect my parents with this cold, so we're not seeing them this Christmas...Considering everything else that's been going on, it's probably for the best....

Anyway, I'm going to keep it short for now...

Merry Christmas to all my friends and Family!

Friday, December 20, 2019

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas

I'm first going to apologize for not having updated my blog is so long, I had to check the date of my last posting....

I'm going to make a resolution to start being a bit more active in the blog... not sure if anyone still checks this or not...

So, we're having a chilly winter so far here in Halifax, at least compared to last year. With -5c, the dusting of snow we have on the ground is likely to stay till next week - unless we suddenly get a bout of warm weather.
I've not been talking much about what's been going on in my life. I guess I assume that my life is fairly unexciting compared to some of my other friends online.

First want to say that I have happily reached my 3rd year anniversary here at TD Insurance. I never thought I'd enjoy working for an insurance company, but, well, I'm still here. :)
It's been a fun bit of growth over the years. From starting of in account and billing with the customer support team, to now being a fully licensed insurance advisor. I'm primarily working the western market, which is interesting - seeing as I live almost on the other end of the continent from the majority of my customers. So, the biggest conversation piece is the weather, as we compare how temperatures and storms differ when you're over 3 thousand km away from each other. One of these days I'm going to reach the Rockies and see all the wonderful stuff my customers talk about.

I think the last thing I posted about was about my asthma.. which is still an on-going battle. I really need to get back in shape, the more sedentary I get, the worse my asthma punishes me.. so being a couch potato is literally a hazard to my health! The problem with being a geek and spending more time at a desk in front of a computer, instead of outside like I used to be.

I've had a serious addiction to the Sims4 lately... omg that game is annoyingly compelling. I can't say it's the most exciting game, you're effectively playing an interactive drama soap opera. You control most of your sim's (which is what they call the characters in the game) social interactions. It's like playing TV.... There are building components, so I can have fun building houses, and businesses, and making new personalities... but mostly, I've been having a lot of fun playing my characters out.. I'll create a concept and story idea for a sim, and try to keep the development of that sim within the story line I created. It actually isn't always easy, as NPC characters may or may not respond the way you would expect them to... I have a few stories if anyone wants additional details.