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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Hallowe'en Indeed!

It was a pleasantly warm Hallowe'en this year, great for Trick or Treat'ing. The one thing I love about having young kids is that you get to keep some of the candy!... I like to think of it as a tax for the one checking the loot to make sure it's ok. ;o)

We brought the kids around Porter's Lake this year where my parents live with little more than warm sweaters under their costumes. This fall has been uncharacteristically warm, the trees still bear a lot of leaves, and winter seems to be a long time away... Locals have told me this is the warmest fall that we've had in a good 30-40 years.

The kids are enjoying it, though I'm waiting for their disappointment on how little snow we'll be getting this winter if the warm weather continues.

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