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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Winter Creeping in....

Well winter is finally starting to creep in.. it was bloody well cold this morning when I was coming home from work, a sudden turn towards winter from the warm wet rainy weather we've been having. All that was left of Thursday rain was a few frozen sheets of ice where puddles used to be. Tonight wasn't so bad, but it doesn't promiss to get much warmer soon.

With my wife's parents dropping in town at the first of the month, we're setting up the decorations this weekend. We've replaced the old light bulbs with strings of LED lights... they were cheap, will use less power, and I don't need to worry about bulbs burning out or breaking anymore. Not to mention the lifespan that these LED strings promote. The white from the strings isn't as blue as some LED strings I've seen so far, so that's a good thing too.. I'll see about getting a pic or two up once we've got the living room all decked out.

With the hassle of the holidays, I've pretty much put my gaming groups on hold, lets see if the players will be as gung-ho about the campaign in the New Year as they've been so far. Game Masters out there can sympathize in that it's difficult to keep a dependable gaming group going - particularly in online campaigns. We've been at the Adventure Path for 2 years now, and I've yet to keep a group long enough to get very far with it. I had even started novelizing the latest groups adventures, but with the constant drop in and out of characters in the party, I'm wondering just how coherent a story it'll make...

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