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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter and Healing

Well, Easter has come and gone, as most people are coming down from their sugar highs, figured I'd drop a post.

I usually enjoy Easter. The chocolate, the excited kids, the Easter Egg Hunts... Just brings out the kid in you!
Well, with my recent surgery and having to work the entired of the weekend on the mend, I can't say I really enjoyed it much this year. I'm feeling better now, still hurts to use the washroom, but over all life is slowly returning to normal.

The wife got a new desk for her birthday, soon as I'm better we need to finish repositioning all the furniture to make room for it all. Well, they do say that Spring is a time for renewal, moving things around is one way to get a new feeling out of the old appartment.

I joined a second forum game on Dumpshock, think I'm getting addicted to play-by-post! I've even suggested it to my online live group as we've been having scheduling issues lately. It's hard enough planing for a live game, even harder when your players are scattered over 8 time zones!
Some of them are on the fence about the issue, I'll have to see if they come around.

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