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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Long time no Post

I know I haven't posted for awhile and for that I appologize...
Not like it has been a very busy time, just things keep coming up and I never get around to dropping a note - seeing as there's not much to say. ;)

Well, lately - outside of work - Role-Playing Games have really taken up most of my time. Between my D&D campaign, my Shadowrun campaign and now Dumpshock play-by-post gaming, I'm keeping my imagination flowing.

Recently I had the unfortunate discovery of having a kidney stone, it was only 4mm in size, but it hurt like hell! They removed it a week after and now I think the recovery process is more painful than the problem was! But it seems to be slowly getting better.. not bad considering I had my urinal tract assulted about 24 hours ago.

Well, I'm off to the Dumpshock boards, I'll keep you posted how it goes.

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