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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Winter wonderland?

Well, here we are in the middle of January, and there's NO SNOW! I can't get over it!... I don't know whether to be overjoyed at the balmy weather (being able to wear sweaters and sneakers outside) or worried that this is a sign of other things.... As it is I'm sure some farmers, who depend on at least a moderate snow coverage, are worried about some of their crops.
As it is, we've had maybe 3 days so far with some snow on the ground, and we get the occasional flury.. but then the temperature rises 10 degrees above freezing and it all goes away again.

Monday, when I get the Christmas pictures online, I do have some small memoirs of what little snow we've had... as it stands the ground is bare with still some green grass.. I've even seen confused insects flitter by on days when the temperatures reach temperatures we normally only see in April or May.

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