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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Brrr.. I take it back! Honest!

Here I was, not a few days ago boasting that it was warm and green here in the Maritimes...
Well, Jack Frost decided that he had heard enough it seems.. this week we got hit with wet snow followed by the mercury dropping down to 30 below with the windchill. It's been a very chilly week for all those who had settled in with the expectation of a mild winter.

I would say that it is nice to finally enjoy some winter sports only what snow fell is little more than a layer of hard ice - thanks to the sudden drop in temperature.

Tomorow the temperatures are suppose to climb back up to near the freezing point, so they promise it's going to get better... in the mean time, it's good to be able to curl up with a hot cup of coffee.

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