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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nature is a Basketball.

This is my thought for the day: Nature is a basketball... at least that's what it seems like here in the Maritimes.
I got out of work this morning to find it snowing.. and everything was being dusted by wet snowflakes and being covered in sticky white powder. I took a few pictures on my walk up the street to home, and one downtown after dropping the munchkin off at pre-school.
What was to be a beautiful ending of winter (as 9pm tonight signals the first day of Spring), turned wet and mushy. The snow slowly turned to freezing rain, now I look out my living room window as cold drizzle slowly melts away what little (4 cm) snow fell last night and early this morning. It's not suppose to stop drizzling till sometime tomorrow when nature is fully satisfied that it has - yet again - blasted most traces of winter from the ground. While most people out here have been whining and complaining of what little of the white stuff we have received... I have been lamenting the lack of proper snowfall - mainly cause my poor small strawberry patch may not have survived the winter. Anyway, I did take a few pictures while as mementos of what little of winter we've had so far.. for soon the flowers will be budding and we'll be into April and it's dismal wet weather.

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