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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Don't Forget Your Cleats

That was the topic this morning as I got off of work... 1/4" of ice from freezing rain after a small snowfall covered every surface it could find! Icicles dangled from signs, people had to chip an ice shield surrounding their cars, and - outside of major roads - the streets were sheets of ice that would make any rink proud!

I wish I had some sort of spikes on my shoes as I tried to first half walk, half skate down to the bus from work. Then struggle to get up the hill to get home. In the end I beat the bus by less than 10 minutes walking from the mall - which was nearly a half hour from when I left the terminal. I've added a few pictures which I took when I got home... wish I would have had the camera with me on my walk though.. with the warm weather we had today, the ice is all melted now...

This winter has been strange: It'll be warm, it'll get cold, it might snow.. but it warms up again and it all melts. The result has left many with never-ending series of colds, flus, and such... myself I've lost a lot of time from work this season.

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