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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The tortures of Physiotherapy

Whoever said: "It has to hurt to heal!" surely was thinking of physiotherapy!

I'm in week 3 of physio now and my arm hasn't quite straightened out. The elbow is still at a 30 degree angle, and there's a knot in my shoulder muscle. So they've really started laying on the pressure, litterally! At week 6 since my accident, there's little worry about my bone, it's strong enough to support most weight, so weight they are applying to get my elbow straight... if we don't get it fixed soon, it may never staighten out... a scary thought.

So I'm taking the pain, my arm is still a little sore, but I have so much more flexibility in it now that I'm just going to grin and bear it!

Monday we toured a bit of Halifax. It was rainy, but not cold, so we wandered the streets getting soaked. I have some beautiful pictures of the Public Gardens which I'll be posting soon as I take them off the camera. I was hoping to get pictures of the Halifax Citadel, but at $25 for the family to see an old fort on a rainy day, we decided to wait till nicer weather.

Found a great place for Gelati downtown Halifax called Nio Gio, they're a little expensive compared to what we used to get in Winnipeg, but as this is the first place we've found serving the Italian Ice Cream confection in this town, we're willing to pay for it.

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