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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Look Ma, No Sling!

Well, I started physio this week, and as painful as it is (well not a lot, but enough!), it's really paying off!

I can almost straigten my arm out (after 1 month of being up in a sling, it's not easy) and since my appointment yesterday I've tucked my sling into my backpack and haven't used it since! I'm patting myself on the back on this one....

My physiotherapist is hoping I can straighten my arm out fully by the end of the week. A challenge considering how tight my bicept is... My bone hasn't completely mended and the arm is still bruised and swollen. My arm won't be able to do much for a few weeks, not till the bone is fully healed, but just having it 'look' normal is a pleasant change.

I can type a lot easier now, and can even write without it hurting.. my arm still can't support itself, so most of the things I do sitting down.

Let's see what I can do after they're done torturing my arm today after I get off work..

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