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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Family Woes

I haven't mentioned this before, but lately we've noticed some odd behaviour with our youngest son.

It first started out as a delay in his speech. He understands well enough, but doesn't seem to bother to want to talk. Which is ok, as long as he listens - which sometimes he doesn't and he tunes you right out.. can be very frustrating.

This spring he started 'spacing out' where he'd freeze up and become non-responsive for 5-10 seconds. These spacing out sessions have slowly gotten worse, and we were starting to get a bit worried. Then a woman at Fun Mountain noted that it looked like seisures. This of course was the cause for much concern.

Well, after some testing, the doctors have confirmed he has epilepsy, and have started treatments. They were surprised it was not diagnosed sooner... symtoms that are clear to them weren't so clear to us, and no doctor in Winnipeg ever suggested that there was something wrong. Problems like his speech delay, his lack of sleep, his knack of tuning people out, his temper tantrums, etc. should start to get under control and be more manageable - or so we hope.
The doctors have started him on Tegretol, the most common of the treatments. Hopefully the treatments will start off on the right foot, I would hate starting to experiment meds on the poor little guy just cause the doctors can't sort out what level of epilepsy he has...

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