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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Happy Holidays

Sorry for the delayed post everyone.. this has been a busy Christmas. Between leaving to my parents and having no Internet access for a couple of days, to working through Christmas night & Boxing day, to waiting to get the chance to get some pictures off my camera... well, you get the drift. ;o)

As I posted in my Christmas Pictures, someone put a White Christmas on their Wish List this year... We woke up Christmas Eve to a beautiful snow fall, so the munchkin just had to go out and build himself a snowman! Kids can be so cute...
Unfortunately the snowman didn't live long, it started to rain late Christmas morning, so by the time we left to go home, the poor creation was pretty much already gone... oh well, at least I got a picture of it.
After a few days of wet, warm weather, the temperature dropped yesterday and everything is bitter cold again, this is sure shaping up to be a strange winter so far..

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