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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Holy Heaping Snowfall Batman!

Last night Nova Scotia got slapped upside the proverbial head by winter!

What started off is a warm flurry in the afternoon turned to a wet slushy snowstorm by supper time. As the storm got worse, the wind picked up and the wet snow started sticking to everything.
Although I enjoyed a night out with the wife at our staff party, it was hectic just trying to get there... we caught the 5:30 bus at 6:15, at the terminal, 2 busses didn't show, and the 3rd bus was late. We ended up finally getting to the party at 7:30 even though we left an hour and a half sooner... a trip that should have only taken 45 mins at most.
Getting to work was no better, with busses being late or not even showing. At work my coworker and I experienced a non-ending series of power outage alarms that went on way beyond our shift ending... as it is I stayed till 7:30 am just to help out.

I found out my wife faired no better. The bus got stuck on the way back, it took her nearly 2 hours to get home. Soon after she got there, the power went out for the second time of the night. The night went on with blowing wet snow and electric blue flares as power transformers popped all over Dartmouth. Though we got power back by 5:30, most of the city was still without power well into the afternoon. (I'll try to get some pictures of the fantastical scenes, man I wish I had my camera yesterday morning!)
We're suppose to fare no better this weekend... oh mother nature is not done with us yet. Sunday we're suppose to get rain and freezing rain, making the 2 feet of compressed half-frozen slush even worse!

On the bright side, we're most likely going to have a white Christmas.... And the kids are having a royal ball in the snow!

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