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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Natal Day Long Weekend arrives

With the August long weekend comes the Natal Day celebration, where Halifax celebrates its origins as one of Canada's earliest seaport. The Maritimes never developped as quickly as Eastern Canada, so Halifax has not lost it's charm as a green, beautiful harbour town.

This year signals the 50th aniversary of the MacDonald Bridge, so the fireworks tonight were spectacular! - Launched right off the bridge itself.

I'm glad I was able to see them, seeing as I'll be working the rest of the weekend and I'll miss Sundays and Mondays fireworks. :o(
Hopefully I'll be able to catch tomorrow's parade...

Check out the guy beside me trying to capture the fireworks on his cell camera... as much as I like toys, there are just some things you have to admit just can't do well...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Summer's moving on..

Well, summer is progressing in full force, after last week's heat wave, temperatures are back down to normal, just in time for the Natal Day celebrations.. talk about a long weekend! With fireworks off the bridge and concerts galore, I'll see about trying to take a few pictures - though I'm working half of the weekend, so we'll see just how much I can get.

My arm is gradually healing, I can remove the slign and let my arm rest on my lap, though mending, it's not fully healed yet. I've started typing with both hands again, though it is slightly painful, it's better than chugging away one-handed... With physio I'll gradually gain the mobility of my right arm back, but they don't want to push things till the bone is fully healed.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

One hand typing....

Well I'm slowly managing life with reduced use of my right hand... I went to the doctor's for my first check up, 1 week after the incident... it's healing well, and I seem to be doing ok. I'm off the heavy meds and seem to be managing well enough with a little boost of extra strength Tylenol to take the edge off of the discomfort.

My left hand is getting a little more agile as I heavily depend on it to do most of my tasks, though my handwriting still sucks. As I can now start using my right hand for more things, such as hold or manipulate light objcts, I've resorted to getting as close to things as possible and writting with my right again.

I can still work, which is fortunate, the bills don't stop coming in, need some way of paying them.
The weather has been prett sucky lately, but at least we have some nice days, and despite the cloudy sky, it's still warm.

Friday, July 08, 2005

So much for biking season...

Well after 33 years it finally happened.... I broke a bone. For the longest time I've joked about rebounding from just about anything. No matter how severe the accident, I would walk away with only a few scratches.

How did it all happen?
Well I was biking home Wednesday morning, zipping down the hill and entering the Perks parking lot, when this car that I taken for having parked suddenly backs out taking the whole lane. I hit my back breaks, but with only 4 feet between us, I wasn't going to stop in time. Forgetting I had brand spanking new front end breaks, I squeezed them a little too hard and suddenly toppled forward. My arm made contact with his rear left panel, and well, the car was more resilient than my arm and it went pop!

So I have a latteral fracture of the right humerus, not good considering many hand nerves wrap along the bone. I'm fortunate enough so far to have not suffered any any nerve damage. So the doctor are hoping that gravity and proper positioning will allow the arm to heal naturally. To put it in a cast risks pinching a nerve, to operate to pin the bone runs the risk of them cutting a nerve. So lets hope it can heal on its own.... I rather like the use of my right hand....

So I'm managing things with my left hand till my arm heals. Though I can manage typing with my off hand, my handwritting looks like something from 2nd grade! I also didn't realise just how much one depends on both hands to do some of the simplest tasks. Getting dressed is very challenging!

So there goes cycling for the rest of the summer... and, as I mentioned above, I had just finished tuning it for the season. It also limmits what summer activities I'm going to be able to do.... no swimming, etc. Well I guess it could be worse, at least I'm still mobile...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hitting summer with a splash!

Finally as the hot weather hits we get to enjoy some fun in the sun!

As temperatures hit 31C today, you just need to find a way to cool off! Though we could have just gone to the beach, we planned a road trip to spend an extra special day to beat the heat. Here's the family enjoying the wave pool at Magic Mountain. What a fun filled day that was!

Hope you're all enjoying summer too!