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Thursday, July 14, 2005

One hand typing....

Well I'm slowly managing life with reduced use of my right hand... I went to the doctor's for my first check up, 1 week after the incident... it's healing well, and I seem to be doing ok. I'm off the heavy meds and seem to be managing well enough with a little boost of extra strength Tylenol to take the edge off of the discomfort.

My left hand is getting a little more agile as I heavily depend on it to do most of my tasks, though my handwriting still sucks. As I can now start using my right hand for more things, such as hold or manipulate light objcts, I've resorted to getting as close to things as possible and writting with my right again.

I can still work, which is fortunate, the bills don't stop coming in, need some way of paying them.
The weather has been prett sucky lately, but at least we have some nice days, and despite the cloudy sky, it's still warm.

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