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Monday, September 05, 2005

Happy Labour Day!

Not all of us have Labour Day off, though working the morning of it and having the night off, I'm not sure if you would consider that 'working' Labour Day or not - though 7 hours of my shift should be paid Stat Holiday wages. :o) For those who don't know, I work the overnight shift for an alarm monitoring station, so my day is basically reversed from most people. My wake/work/sleep cycle would fit well in Australia. Working the graveyard shift often rewards me looks of adversion or horror that I'm subjected to such hours. What many people fail to comprehend is that I willingly work these hours and enjoy my schedule.

After I get off work today we're heading on a road trip up towards Grand Pre and Hawkorn Farm Zoo (hope I spelled that rigth). Though I don't think my parents realize that the zoo will most likely be closed due to the holiday, it'll be a nice day trip where I can take some pictures of mainland Nova Scotia. Mind you the price of gas these days will make this a costly trip I'm sure....
Hopefully I can catch some Z's on the road, otherwise it's going to be a very long day indeed...

For those following my photo archive on my main site, there will be new pictures loaded shortly, I've been working nearly every day for the past couple of weeks, but I have a weekend coming up and should have time to catch up on some of my web work.
I actually have been doing a fair bit of work to my websites, but as most of it has been for my D&D group, it's locked and reserved for my players. Though I would love to share the content with a larger audience, not all the material is Open Game content, and hence cannot be seen by those outside of the campaign.

Have yourselves a good long weekend!

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