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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Shopping Cart March

Those who know me know that I'm not a strongly political person. I rarely follow the news if it doesn't involve space and technology, and I find the media reports little more than the worse of news and rarely the good things that happen. After all sensational news gets better rates.

Since I've moved here, I've slowly been getting more and more interested with the community, and what affects the Maritimes, and particularly the Harbour area. So when I saw posters demanding for more affordable housing, I couldn't resist and showed up to the event more inquisitive than wanting to be outspoken. Lets just say the cause consumed me and I marched with the small group to let the government know that people are tired of being broke. Though many news sources were there, the only article I've seen online so far is from an indy news source, though we'll see once the papers publish later this morning.

Monday, September 19, 2005

A Chilling Discovery

Well, my garden faired pretty well, it didn't get flattened by the rain as I feared.. we really needed that rain though... man did my garden ever turn out strange this year:
The cucumbers look like gourds the way they're fat at the bottom but skinny at the top. My carrots are these fat short mutations. They all taste fine fortunately, the tomoatoes are the only things that have come out the way we were expecting... and man did I ever have a lot of tomatoes to pick this week! Looks like it's time to make some spaghetti sauce! :o)

I had a chilling discovery today... I wasn't looking forward to coming in to the sauna that I was expecting the office to be, only to find the air handler had been fixed this morning. So I'm chilling here - quite litterally - at my desk drinking coffee to keep warm. Although I need my jacket, it's quite comforting to know I'm not going to roast in here again tonight.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Breezing By

Well, as luck would be Ophelia didn't hit the Maritimes as bad as many had feared. Though I believe the southern part of the province got the whipping it was suppose to get, the storm then drifted east.
Here in Halifax we got about half the rain expected, and barely any wind at all! I'll find out later today how well my garden faired the torment of nature. I still got fairly wet on my venture to work tonight, but I was expecting to get drenched! So I don't feel so bad.

Now only if the air handler hadn't died at work today, I wouldn't be baking in the office right now! And worse, they probably won't get it fixed till Monday, so I'll be baking again tonight! I'm definately wearing some shorts for tonight's shift! If I'm going to work in near oven-baked temperatures, I might as well be comfortable.

The worst part of working overnights is weekends... friends and family want to do stuff on the weekend as 'they' have time off. All 'I' want to do is sleep! So I usually go on very limmited amounts of sleep over the weekend, otherwise I may never get to see my family. It can be hard... they have all these plans for the day, and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and snooze. Not that I don't appreciate or enjoy the things we do, I just rather sleep during the day when I'm suppose to, rather than sleep at work and get fired! Though I often joke that sleep is a poor substitute for running out of coffee, and that - like sanity, you only need enough so people don't worry about you, I can only go so long on limmited amounts of rest before my body enforces a state of commotose.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Here Comes the Rain!

After a pretty dry summer, it looks like Tropical Storm Ophelia (who thinks up these names anyway!?) is going to be dumping us a whole lotta rain! So much rain that we'll be getting 50-100 mm of rain in a 15 hour period... and she's picking up speed - hitting us in the morning, instead of tomorrow afternoon... I'm beginning to think that my umbrealla won't be enough!
I think that's a little more than the ground can absorb in one shot, I hope it doesn't ruin my garden, we've been enjoying the carrots, tomatoes, cucumber and turnips this year, though the lettuce didn't fair as well as we had hoped.

They're advising power outages and such all through the province, this is going to be a long weekend.... sigh!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Happy Labour Day!

Not all of us have Labour Day off, though working the morning of it and having the night off, I'm not sure if you would consider that 'working' Labour Day or not - though 7 hours of my shift should be paid Stat Holiday wages. :o) For those who don't know, I work the overnight shift for an alarm monitoring station, so my day is basically reversed from most people. My wake/work/sleep cycle would fit well in Australia. Working the graveyard shift often rewards me looks of adversion or horror that I'm subjected to such hours. What many people fail to comprehend is that I willingly work these hours and enjoy my schedule.

After I get off work today we're heading on a road trip up towards Grand Pre and Hawkorn Farm Zoo (hope I spelled that rigth). Though I don't think my parents realize that the zoo will most likely be closed due to the holiday, it'll be a nice day trip where I can take some pictures of mainland Nova Scotia. Mind you the price of gas these days will make this a costly trip I'm sure....
Hopefully I can catch some Z's on the road, otherwise it's going to be a very long day indeed...

For those following my photo archive on my main site, there will be new pictures loaded shortly, I've been working nearly every day for the past couple of weeks, but I have a weekend coming up and should have time to catch up on some of my web work.
I actually have been doing a fair bit of work to my websites, but as most of it has been for my D&D group, it's locked and reserved for my players. Though I would love to share the content with a larger audience, not all the material is Open Game content, and hence cannot be seen by those outside of the campaign.

Have yourselves a good long weekend!