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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Shopping Cart March

Those who know me know that I'm not a strongly political person. I rarely follow the news if it doesn't involve space and technology, and I find the media reports little more than the worse of news and rarely the good things that happen. After all sensational news gets better rates.

Since I've moved here, I've slowly been getting more and more interested with the community, and what affects the Maritimes, and particularly the Harbour area. So when I saw posters demanding for more affordable housing, I couldn't resist and showed up to the event more inquisitive than wanting to be outspoken. Lets just say the cause consumed me and I marched with the small group to let the government know that people are tired of being broke. Though many news sources were there, the only article I've seen online so far is from an indy news source, though we'll see once the papers publish later this morning.

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