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Friday, September 16, 2005

Here Comes the Rain!

After a pretty dry summer, it looks like Tropical Storm Ophelia (who thinks up these names anyway!?) is going to be dumping us a whole lotta rain! So much rain that we'll be getting 50-100 mm of rain in a 15 hour period... and she's picking up speed - hitting us in the morning, instead of tomorrow afternoon... I'm beginning to think that my umbrealla won't be enough!
I think that's a little more than the ground can absorb in one shot, I hope it doesn't ruin my garden, we've been enjoying the carrots, tomatoes, cucumber and turnips this year, though the lettuce didn't fair as well as we had hoped.

They're advising power outages and such all through the province, this is going to be a long weekend.... sigh!

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