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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Breezing By

Well, as luck would be Ophelia didn't hit the Maritimes as bad as many had feared. Though I believe the southern part of the province got the whipping it was suppose to get, the storm then drifted east.
Here in Halifax we got about half the rain expected, and barely any wind at all! I'll find out later today how well my garden faired the torment of nature. I still got fairly wet on my venture to work tonight, but I was expecting to get drenched! So I don't feel so bad.

Now only if the air handler hadn't died at work today, I wouldn't be baking in the office right now! And worse, they probably won't get it fixed till Monday, so I'll be baking again tonight! I'm definately wearing some shorts for tonight's shift! If I'm going to work in near oven-baked temperatures, I might as well be comfortable.

The worst part of working overnights is weekends... friends and family want to do stuff on the weekend as 'they' have time off. All 'I' want to do is sleep! So I usually go on very limmited amounts of sleep over the weekend, otherwise I may never get to see my family. It can be hard... they have all these plans for the day, and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and snooze. Not that I don't appreciate or enjoy the things we do, I just rather sleep during the day when I'm suppose to, rather than sleep at work and get fired! Though I often joke that sleep is a poor substitute for running out of coffee, and that - like sanity, you only need enough so people don't worry about you, I can only go so long on limmited amounts of rest before my body enforces a state of commotose.

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