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Monday, September 19, 2005

A Chilling Discovery

Well, my garden faired pretty well, it didn't get flattened by the rain as I feared.. we really needed that rain though... man did my garden ever turn out strange this year:
The cucumbers look like gourds the way they're fat at the bottom but skinny at the top. My carrots are these fat short mutations. They all taste fine fortunately, the tomoatoes are the only things that have come out the way we were expecting... and man did I ever have a lot of tomatoes to pick this week! Looks like it's time to make some spaghetti sauce! :o)

I had a chilling discovery today... I wasn't looking forward to coming in to the sauna that I was expecting the office to be, only to find the air handler had been fixed this morning. So I'm chilling here - quite litterally - at my desk drinking coffee to keep warm. Although I need my jacket, it's quite comforting to know I'm not going to roast in here again tonight.

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